

Relaxation Massage | 30mins $70 | 60mins $104 | 90mins $153
*Most Popular

De-stress and unwind with our relaxation massages customised to suit you, using our aromatherapy blends of essential oils.

Prenatal Massage | 60mins $114

Take some time out of your day to de-stress, unwind and stimulate circulation around bubs. Pregnancy massage can relieve backaches, headaches, oedema, stiffness or muscular tension. Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on a woman’s body, regular massages during your pregnancy can shorten labour time and help your body make a speedier, smoother recovery. Please note Prenatal massages cannot be performed during the females first trimester, only the second and third trimester.

Hot Stone Massage | 60mins $138 | 90mins $185

Experience the beautiful sensation of warm volcanic stones combined with aromatherapy blends to de-stress and melt away muscle tension.

Indian Head Massage | 30mins $63

A head neck and shoulder specialised massage that will stimulate your senses whilst letting you feel completely relaxed.

Relaxing Foot Massage + Exfoliation | $65 | 30mins

Ease away any tension in your feet with a soak, scrub and massage in one of our beautiful pedicure foot baths enjoying a beautiful hot or cold drink of your choice.

Ear Candling | $65 | 30mins

Feel the magic of fire and allow yourself to experience beneficial relaxation in the traditional Ear Candling wellbeing ritual, with the magical scent of honey, sage and chamomile. Calming, Relaxing and Energising. Ear candling uses a unique combination of fire and 100% natural and pesticide-free cotton to safely and effectively draw ear wax from inside the ear canal.